How To Improve Human Black Hair Color?


How can I increase my black hair? By taking vitamin-containing foods or supplements to your body. Human hairstyle is a natural progression and it has its own parameters. Their own parameters have different colours depending upon the follicle. It grows depending on its, genetic, age, and natural sources.

It is normally black in colour all over the world. But, in some regions, it contains different colours depending on their nature and food.


Black Hair Color


It is common in humans in the world but it has a limited age of up to 50 years and some more. It has different colours compared to all other hairstyle colours.

It is mostly found in regions of Asia, Africa, and other countries. To grow black hair sufficiently use natural products without any problems. There are a lot of natural products we can find nowadays in stores and also using ayurvedic products.


There are several shampoos in the marketplace that you can buy online and offline at local stores. It can clean your hair and keep it fresh throughout the day.

You can increase your hair naturally by taking food, natural products, and sources.


There are several foods to grow your hair naturally.

  • Spinach

  • Eggs

  • Sweet potatoes

  • Nuts

  • Seeds


There are several methods to grow hair-

  • Take food that contains vitamins and minerals.

  • Simultaneously decrease the usage of shampoo, especially which contains heavy acid.

  • Consume more protein ingredients.

  • Eat healthy food every day to keep your hair healthy.

  • Its growth can help to improve blood flow properly.

  • It can relieve workload emotions, stress, and tension during work.


Some healthy foods explained below to grow hair:

  1. Aloe vera


Aloe vera plant
Aloe vera


Aloe vera is well used for hair loss and for health. It has several components vitamins A, C, and E. However it contains folic acid extracted from aloe vera gel. Aloe Vera is widely used to manufacture healthcare products in industries.

What is a aloe vera good for? It contains vitamins will regulate healthy hair growth and avoid falling out. It helps to avoid breakage and damage to hair. There are several benefits of aloe vera uses are acne, treating skin conditions, rashes and antibacterial properties.

CAUTION: Use aloe vera on your own comfort/risks with it because some people may get an allergy from it.

  1. Coconut Oil


Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil


Coconut oil benefits include growing your hair longer, moisturising, preventing damage and being used for antioxidants. It is well-used nowadays by everyone. It has a lot of health benefits like smooth hair and being free from stress.


The use of coconut oil can be made healthy for humans. However, it has fatty acids known as lauric acid. Fatty acids can reduce hair loss. But, as studies show, Coconut has many benefits to improve blood circulation in hair growth.

Is coconut oil good for your hair? Coconut oil can soften, smooth, and free from dandruff. It stays longer life to become healthy hair. Using coconut oil can free you from tension, stress, and emotions.

It also has antibacterial properties which fight against viral infections.

  1. Lemon





Does lemon increase hair growth? Lemon contains vitamin C which regulates hair growth simultaneously. Sweet lemon is a natural fruit which is having a lot of health benefits to improve the body’s health.

It also contains citrus acid to regulate blood vessels and cure illness and other health issues. It has natural acids that strengthen the hair. It grows and helps to move towards healthy hair and maintains the pH level.

It also contains anti-fungal and anti-oxidant components to fight against diseases and bacterial infections. However, it is very useful for stomach pain.
  1. Eggs


Eggs with spicy


Eggs’ benefits are essential for hair growth and also keep the body healthy forever. But they should be consumed carefully as per the doctor’s suggestion. Eggs contain proteins and nutrients to grow hair very strongly.

It also has vitamins A and B12, and iron. But, it maintains the body’s organs such as eyes, hair, and skin. It also supplements the rich nutrition of egg yolks with hair masks.


However, eggs are rich in proteins and they should also contain antioxidants. Hard-boiled eggs can also improve immunity and strengthen bones.

Don’t consume egg or egg yolks in high quantities because they have high cholesterol.

  1. Pumpkin




Pumpkin helps to grow hair with flourishing. It contains beta-carotene, iron, and vitamin A. It also has vitamins C and E to help to protect the damage to body cells. Omega Fatty Acids help to develop hair from pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin also contains antioxidants to grow hair very easily without any infection or allergies. But it should be taken care of carefully when consuming. It is a source that is used by companies to make medical products. Pumpkins are generally cultivated in pumpkin farms which is natural and healthy for humans.

However, if you feel or experience any symptoms discontinue using pumpkin immediately. Then consult a doctor before consuming pumpkin.

  1. Nuts


Bowl containing nuts


Nuts can be added to deity foods to improve hair growth. It contains rich sources of biotin and vitamin B7 to protect against hair damage.

Walnuts are a good kind of source to increase hair however they contain nutrients and proteins. However, it also contains magnesium to control and prevent dandruff.

There are different kinds of nuts given below:

  • Walnuts

  • Almonds

  1. Salmon 




Salmons are as we know nonvegetarian food to keep the body healthy and grow your hair shiny and healthy. These contain omega-3 fatty acids to reduce fat in your body. These components we will get from food. It also provides protection from diseases.

In particular, baked salmon can support to growth of your hair naturally. However, it also contains antioxidants that protect and improve hair density.

  1. Spinach


Cup of contaning spinach


Spinach is the most reliable food for hair growth and contains sebum. Sebum is an oil that is naturally found oil. It is very useful for maintaining hair healthy and moisturized. Creamed spinach is also good for health and carries vitamin A and another ingredient.

It is very useful to get relax from stress and work pressure. But it is used as per the doctor’s physician’s suggestion.

  1. Blueberries




Blueberries are essential for body health and hair growth. However, blueberries contain antioxidants to grow your hair very smoothly and healthily.

It has vitamins A, C, and E, and these are very useful for hair moisturizing and for skin also. It also helps to protect from turning or changing color and it also helps to grow long hair.


Blueberry calorie

  1. Fruits


All types of fruits


Fruits are very useful for keeping the body healthy. Also, it is useful for growing hair without any diseases and infections. Fruits contain vitamins, proteins, and minerals which have antioxidants to protect from diseases, inflammation, and infections.

There are several fruits to help hair growth there are:

  • Orange

  • Lime

  • Guava

  • Banana

  • Papaya

  • Lychee




As per my experience consuming fruits and other food will help to grow hair very healthy and keep away from dandruff. But, before using or consuming consult a doctor or physician to take suggestions.



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can egg stop hair whitening?

Eggs are almost contains vitamin B12 which helps to improve premature greying. However it is good health for hair.

Can I apply coconut oil on hair everyday?

Yes, You can apply coconut oil everyday and also it prevents damaging hair. It is good for health and smoothens your hair daily.

Does papaya reduce hair growth?

Papaya is good for hair growth because it contains nutrients in which it strengthens your eyes and hair.



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